Monday, October 8, 2012

Maquillage Professionnel: Day 4 Maquillage de Jour

Maquillage de Jour or day makeup is all about control & restraint. We often pile up products to the point of looking all made up. But ladies keep in mind that with the harsh sunshine you wouldn't need much to look glowing. Enhancement of your best features is key.

Before & After Shots
As you can see I didn't use too many products on my model:  Sheer foundation, light neutral toned shadows, very thin liners, a layer of mascara, light blush and natural lips. This look is perfect for job interviews and morning to afternoon events. With all the looks that I did in school, I think every girl has to at least perfect the day makeup look, why? because we always have something to do in the day, and putting your "best face forward" is always a sure of making a good first impression. So today challenge yourself to perfect your signature day look. :)

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